Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Who is He?

Do you ever take time to simply sit and meditate on who Jesus really is?  I have to admit that I haven't done that a whole lot in my life, but I'm making a conscious effort to do that now.  I'll be the first to admit that I've taken everything that Jesus encompasses for granted. I have taken the most precious relationship that has been offered to me for granted. Not only that, but I abused that relationship as well. Not anymore. I've been taught who God is since I was a very small child.  I asked Jesus into my heart when I was four.  I believe that the Lord reveals Himself to children.  They just know and believe with all that they are that God is real and that He loves them.  It's adults that doubt His existence and love.  We try to use reason and logic when it comes to something that is totally unreasonable and illogical. But yet, somehow, it all makes sense.  We have programmed ourselves to only believe that which we can see when it comes to the Lord.  But, we will believe anything that someone tells us about earthly things.  We've got it backwards, people.  So many people choose to not believe in God because He's not something that is tangible.  So if we can't see Him or touch Him then how do we know that He's really there?  I saw a "pin" on Pinterest the other day that I'll paraphrase as my answer to this question.  I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.  Knowing that God is real requires faith.  The thing is, God's word tells us that He has given each one a measure of faith.  He has pre-programmed us to believe in Him already.  We just have to make the choice to believe.  Once we do that He will begin to reveal Himself in strong and mighty ways.  He will show us who He is.

So that's where I am right now.  I've always believed in God.  Always.  Never doubted His existence once.  I have had too many experiences with Him throughout my life to doubt for one second He's real.  Now I'm learning to read His word with a new set of glasses on.  I'm looking through the lenses of, "Who are you, for real?"  I know the Bible stories that we are all taught as children, but I want to go deeper.  I want more than just the top layer, the warm fuzzy feelings, the things that are indoctrinated into us by different denominations.  Each church has it's own rules and regulations and pathway to Heaven, but honestly the only way is through Jesus. He said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14:6)  I want to know God's heart.  I want to know His desires for my life.  I want Him to entrust me with big things, because He knows I'll be faithful to do what He commands.  I believe the verse that says Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever.  I believe with all my heart that the miracles that were performed in the Bible are performed everyday all over the world.  I believe 1 Corinthians 12 is for the church today because there is no scripture that tells us otherwise.  Not one.  I believe that every single scripture is God breathed and has both literal and spiritual meanings.  I believe that God makes His word applicable and alive for His children when we need wisdom and guidance.  I believe God's word.  Period.

It time to stop taking God for granted.  No one will ever love the way He loves.  I truly love people, but there is not one person that I would give my daughter's life for.  He gave His son for us.  We were already etched on His heart when He sent Jesus to this earth with one purpose - to win us back from the grip of the enemy.  You may believe in God and simply be away from a relationship with Him right now, but He still loves you.  You may not even believe in God, but He still loves you.  Sounds simple.  It is.  He simply loves. That's who He is...

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