Monday, February 6, 2012

Blind Faith

I'm working on something - relaxing and trusting. The thing is, I'm a planner.  I plan things well in advance, and I don't do well when things change suddenly.  I like order.  I like a schedule.  I like to know what to expect at any given moment.  I'm annoyed by people that don't follow my way of thinking about this too! Ha! (i'm working on that as well) So, in following God's plan I have to let go of all of this.  Gah, seriously?!?  My thoughts are often, "You made me this way! Why are You not cooperating with me?" to which I'm certain He says, "Ah, hem...who's not cooperating?"

In following the Lord we don't really get to know much beyond our very next step. And sometimes we don't get to know that until the moment we lift our foot to move forward.  Walking with the Lord is all about trust.  We are required to trust that He will lead, guide, and direct our footsteps as we let go of our will and choose to follow His.  I have found this nearly impossible to do at times.  Many times, actually.  In fact, I spent all of my 20's doing things my own way.  I didn't really ask God which way to go or what He wanted me to do.  I was lord over my own life.  Shame, shame.  That's not the way we are intended to live.  We are created to lean not unto our own understanding, but in all our ways acknowledge Him and He will make our paths straight. (Proverbs 3:5)

So here I am at 32  learning to walk in blind faith and disregard my plans as I wait ever so patiently on His. Did I mention I am NOT PATIENT AT ALL?!  Imagine what it's like for me right now. I have no idea what His long-term plans for me are, and sometimes He doesn't let me know His short-term plans until the very. last. second.  God must really be laughing hysterically.  In case you think that the Lord is this really mean guy that just thinks of ways to punish us, let me assure you, He's totally opposite of that.  Our heavenly Father loves, adores, cares for us more than we could ever imagine.  I mean it.  Read His word for any amount of time and you'll see His love pouring out.  (If you're just getting started reading pick something other than, say, Lamentations. Start with like, Psalm 33.) Anyway, He totally has a sense of humor, and He totally loves everyone.

Blind faith is a very hard lesson to learn.  But it's the key to my future.  I may not know the exact details of what's ahead for me, but I do know that there are big things in store.  God's training me right now.  He's equipping me for my future.  He's molding me and making me into His fearless follower.  I know that this portion of my training must be finished so that I can move forward to the next part.  This is the part where He's teaching me how to hear His voice.  He's teaching when to move and when to simply be still and wait.  I will let this part of my training come to completion because the reward will be great.  Mind you, the reward is always Jesus and getting to know Him more. But in knowing Jesus we are offered things like supernatural peace, unspeakable joy, and for me, eventually, patience.  Blind faith...hard, but so very worth it.    

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