Friday, February 10, 2012

Who Are You Angry With?

How much time do you spend angry with God?  How often do you question His timing and the answer you receive to your prayers?  Think about those things for a moment.

I have spent so much time blaming God for things not going my way.  I have begged Him to simply leave me alone.  (Incidentally, that's very dangerous ground to walk on, and I don't recommend trying it.)  We as Christians find it all too easy to get angry with God when things aren't going as we planned.  Notice the latter part of that statement..."as WE planned."  I could list hundreds of things that haven't gone the way I planned them.  But my plans did not line up with God's will.  My plans and my timing are totally different than God's plans and God's timing.  Before you were born God had every single second of your life planned out the way HE intended it to be.  He wrote a biography with your name on it.  The Bible says in Jeremiah 1:5, "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart...".  I love this verse for several reasons, one of which is this - the creator of the universe literally formed me in my mother's womb.  He created me.  Secondly, He set me apart with a plan and purpose.  I have not always chosen His way.  As a matter of fact, I chose my own way for years and years.  I often wonder where I would be right now had I not done things my own way.  I wasted so much time, but the lessons that I have learned will be used to bring glory to His name.  I will take every opportunity to speak life and light into death and darkness.

We have no right to ever be angry with God.  If we find ourselves in a moment where we are, we must simply look and see where we tried to do things our own way.  We must take time to reflect and see where He was trying to lead us in one direction but we thought another direction would be better.  Many times God doesn't move fast enough.  That's funny to even read out loud.  God never gets in a hurry, but know this one thing - His timing is perfect.  The Bible says that He is never early and He is never late.  He moves mountains for those who love Him and trust in Him.  When we put all of our faith in Him, He shows off.  I mean really shows off His total and complete goodness, love, and mercy.

So many people spend there time blaming God and complaining about how He doesn't do enough to stop the horrible things that are going on in this world.  Have you read the Bible lately?  The things that are going on right now are all part of the ultimate plan of God. And you know what? We know the ending...Jesus wins.  Plain and simple, but true.  There is a very real Satan out trying to destroy as many lives as he can, but there is likewise a very real God who intends to restore all that the enemy has stolen.  If you're not living your life 100% for the Lord, you have no one else to blame when things go wrong but yourself.  You honestly can't blame God when things aren't going your way. It's not His fault. His plans and His ways are perfect.  He promises the very best for His children.  He promises blessings, riches, joy, peace, health...I could go on and on.  There are over 8000 promises of God in the Bible.  8000!!  If you're doing things in your own will away from what God's word says, then you have this won't work and it won't be as amazing as His way.

This may offend.  This may cut like a knife.  This is the truth.  I have lived this for years.  I don't speak forth what's on my heart to hurt or anger anyone.  I do it to awaken life inside of you.  I do it to encourage and inspire you to seek God and His perfect plan.  You can't live a life with one foot in the world and one foot in church and expect God's total blessings to come forth.  I wish I could explain just how much He loves us.  I wish there was a way to put into words the feeling of knowing your heavenly Father has amazing things in store for your life.  I wish I could transfer the excitement I have in serving the Lord.  There is absolutely nothing boring about serving God.  Satan has this way of convincing us that being a Christian is boring, weird, out-there, freakish even.  He makes the world seem so appealing and Christianity seem so confining.  There is more freedom in serving the Lord than being bound by the world.  I'm sure people wonder what I am like to be around now.  I'm happy.  I'm free.  I'm not angry at God.  I'm not bound by the world.  I'm not scared to be labelled as someone who is totally in love with Jesus.

I'll leave you with this.  Know that every word that comes out of the heart of God is true.  This is one of His 8000 promises to you, "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."  

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