Monday, February 20, 2012

Forgive. Really?

Unforgiveness. I've harbored a bit of this a time or two.  I have been hurt many times in my 32 years; sometimes quite deeply.  Unforgiveness is something that eats away at us like a cancer.  It creates bitterness and anger and resentment.  It does damage to many relationships and chips away at our trust in people.  Unforgiveness also blocks the Lords forgiveness of our sins...

"For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins." Matthew 6:14-15.

Pretty tough words there from our heavenly Father.  That should demonstrate to us just how important forgiveness is to Him.  We need to understand that we are all human beings who are simply made from dust.  We will say things and do things to one another that will hurt.  But, what we need to also understand is that forgiveness is key to bringing healing and maintaining healthy relationships with one another.  Have you been praying about something for a long time and not seen it change?  Have you been seeking God on an issue but feeling like the answer will never come?  It's time to do a little inventory and see if you are harboring any unforgiveness towards anyone in your life.  Ask the Lord to show you if you have unforgiveness towards anyone.  Search your heart and see where you need healing.

Think about this...and I mean really think about it.  When we are mad at someone because of something they've said or done, what are we accomplishing?  I'm serious.  What does being angry with someone accomplish?  What does consciously choosing to not forgive someone really prove?  Nothing.  Absolutely nothing.  Many times the person with whom we are angry does not even know we're angry.  Harboring unforgiveness is like drinking poison and expecting someone else to die. (Ray, CR) Now, I totally understand that there are things that happen to us that seem unforgivable.  At the time, and even years later, the pain is so raw that it appears impossible to forgive the wrong that has been done.  That doesn't disregard what God's word says about it.  That doesn't get us off the hook and allow us to still be angry.  God's word is very clear.  We must forgive in order to be forgiven.

There is nothing that you can do for which God will not offer you  forgiveness.  There is nothing too big for Him, no sin too deep that His forgiveness can't cover.  The blood of Jesus paid the price for our sin and allows us to be forgiven.  So I figure that if God made a way for my sins to be forgiven by offering His son as a sacrifice, then how dare I not offer forgiveness to those who have hurt me.

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